Wykład prof. Paolo L. Bernardini na Wydziale Historycznym

Zapraszamy na kolejne spotkanie z cyklu "Piątek na Historycznym".

27 maja 2022 na Wydziale Historycznym UG, ul. Wita Stwosza 55 w sali 1.46 

prof. Paolo L. Bernardini z University of Insubria (Como) przedstawi swoje najnowsze badania prowadzone w ramach stypendium w Hamburg Institute for Advance Study.

Wykład pt. "Time's Offspring. Truth as Daughter of Time in the Renaissance” rozpocznie się o godz. 11.30.

Spotkanie poprowadzi dr Aleksandra Girsztowt.

Dziekan Wydziału zachęca do uczestnictwa wykładowców wraz ze studentami w ramach zajęć.


Prof. Bernardini:

My current research is on the concept of truth as daughter of time in the Renaissance, from an interdisciplinary point of view. Primarily art history, but also intellectual and political history. Why truth could no longer be perceived immediately, but it needed a "delay" in time to be fully understood? Why time acts as "father" of truth, and not God anymore? Who are the agents that actually bring truth to life? In my talk I will present the first results of my research.


I am since 2006 full professor of Early Modern European History at the University of Insubria, in Como. In 2021-2022 I am fellow of the Hamburg Institute for Advanced Study, in Hamburg. My newest book, "Di dolore ostello", is a collection of essays in Italian intellectual history in honour of the seventh centenary of Dante's birth.

My next book will be on the Jews of Mantua, the theme of my dissertation at the European University Institute in Florence, defended in 1994.

I graduated in Philosophy at the University of Genoa in 1987, and have been Member of the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton in 1998-1999 and of the Notre Dame Institute for Advanced Study at Notre Dame University in 2015-2016.

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Data publikacji: wtorek, 17. Maj 2022 - 11:45; osoba wprowadzająca: Monika Nagórska Ostatnia zmiana: wtorek, 24. Maj 2022 - 13:22; osoba wprowadzająca: Monika Nagórska