Spring semester course offer
Spring semester course offer
Title of the course | Lecturer | Semester | Type of classes | Number of hours | Language | ECTS | Contact | Schedule |
History of the USA since 1865 | Dr Piotr Derengowski | spring | Lectures | 30 | English | 3 | piotr.derengowski@ug.edu.pl | Tuesday, 13.15-14.45, Faculty of Languages building (0.21) |
History of the USA since 1865 | Mgr Iwona Flis | spring | Class | 30 | English | 2 | iwona.flis@phdstud.ug.edu.pl | Tuesday, 9.45-11.15, Faculty of Languages building (364) or 11.30-13.00, Faculty of Languages building (356) |
Cultural Heritage of Poland | Prof. UG dr hab. Barbara Klassa | spring | Lectures | 30 | English | 3 | barbara.klassa@ug.edu.pl | Thursday, 11.30-13.00, Faculty of History building (2.52) |
History and Culture of Scandinavia | Prof. UG, dr hab. Arnold Kłonczyński | spring | Lectures | 30 | English | 3 | arnold.klonczynski@ug.edu.pl | Wednesday, 8.00-9.30, Faculty of History building (2.52); first class March 5 |
Authenticity and Immersion in Heritage Experiences | Prof. UG, dr hab. Michał Mochocki | spring | Lectures | 15 | English | 2 | michal.mochocki@ug.edu.pl | Thursday, 13.15-14.45, Faculty of History building (2.18); classes Feb. 27; March 6, 13, 27; April 3, 10, 17 & 24 |
Open to Interpretation. Polish-Ukrainian Relations in the 19th and 20th Century | Prof. UG, dr hab. Magdalena Nowak | spring | Lectures | 15 | English | 2 | magdalena.nowak@ug.edu.pl | Monday, 13.15-14.45, Faculty of History building (2.2); classes March 3, 17, 31; April 14, 28; May 19; June 2 |
Public History - theory and practice (example of Poland and the USA) | Prof. UG, dr hab. Magdalena Nowak | spring | Lectures | 30 | English | 2 | magdalena.nowak@ug.edu.pl | please contact lecturer |
History of Poland in the European Context: From Medieval Kingdom to the Fall of Communism | Prof. dr hab. Beata Możejko; prof. UG, dr hab. Magdalena Nowak | spring | Lectures | 15 | English | 2 | beata.mozejko@ug.edu.pl; magdalena.nowak@ug.edu.pl | Starts in April; please contact lecturer |
Medieval civilization (Part II): Food in Medieval Europe | Prof. dr hab. Beata Możejko | spring | Lectures | 15 | English | 2 | beata.mozejko@ug.edu.pl | please contact lecturer |
History of the USA in Games (part II) | Dr Piotr Derengowski | spring | Class | 15 | English | 2 | piotr.derengowski@ug.edu.pl | Starts in April; please contact lecturer |
Translatorium z języka nowożytnego | Prof. dr hab. Piotr Perkowski | spring | Class | 30 | Polski/English | 3 | piotr.perkowski@ug.edu.pl | |
Anthopological Perspectives. Time and (Non-)Knowledge in (De)Colonial Worlds | dr Anna Zadrożna | spring | Lectures | 30 | English | 2 | anna.zadrozna@ug.edu.pl | Thursday, 9.45-13.00, building on Bielańska (84a); classes Feb 27; March 6, 13, 20, 27; April 3, 10, 17 |
Greek Archaeology | Prof. dr hab. Nicholas Sekunda | spring | Lectures | 30 | English | 2 | nicolas.sekunda@ug.edu.pl | Tuesday, 12.00-13.30, building on Bielańska (30) |
The Greek Sanctuary | Prof. dr hab. Nicholas Sekunda | spring | Lectures | 30 | English | 2 | nicolas.sekunda@ug.edu.pl | Wednesday, 10.15-11.45, building on Bielańska (30) |
Critical approaches in contemporary art institutions and artistic practices | dr Marta Wróblewska | spring | Lectures | 30 | English | 2 | marta.wroblewska@ug.edu.pl | Wednesday, 9.45-11.15, building on Bielańska (98) |
Kunsthistorische Grundarbeiten: Diskursmethoden | Prof. UG dr hab. Rafał Makała | spring | Lectures | 30 | Deutsch | 2 | rafal.makala@ug.edu.pl | Thursday (every other week), 12.00-15.15, building on Bielańska (98) |
Man and Environment in the Ancient Eastern Medditerrean | Prof. dr hab. Nicholas Sekunda | spring | Lectures | 15 | English | 2 | nicolas.sekunda@ug.edu.pl | Monday, 15.00-16.30, Faculty of History building (2.49); classes March 3, 10, 17, 24, 31; April 7, 14 |
Roman Africa in the Light of Epigraphic Evidence | Dr Karol Kłodziński | spring | Class | 15 | English | 2 | karol.klodzinski@ug.edu.pl | please contact lecturer |