Spotkanie online z amerykańską aktywistką walczącą o prawa kobiet - Kate Kelly




Wiele osób, nawet Amerykanie, nie wie, że równouprawnienie kobiet nie jest zagwarantowane w konstytucji Stanów Zjednoczonych. Stosowna poprawka do konstytucji - ERA (Equal Rights Amendment) - została napisana i chociaż Kongres przyjął ją w 1972 r., nie udało się jej ratyfikować przez wymagane 38 z 50 stanów. Obecnie walka o ERA ożyła z nową siłą.

Zapraszamy na rozmowę o ERA z amerykańską aktywistką Kate Kelly. Spotkanie odbędzie się w czwartek 10 grudnia o godz. 18:00, konieczna rejestracja:

Uwaga: liczba miejsc ograniczona.

Spotkanie online odbędzie się na platformie ZOOM. Link zostanie wysłany do osób zarejestrowanych na wskazany adres e-mail 10 grudnia o godz. 12.00. Jeśli macie Państwo pytania do Pani Kate Kelly to prosimy je wpisać w formularzu rejestracyjnym.

Spotkanie odbędzie się w języku angielskim i poprowadzi je pani dr hab. Anna Mazurkiewicz, prof. uczelni z Wydziału Historycznego UG wraz z Anną Podciborską.

Organizatorami wydarzenia jest Ambasada USA oraz Wydział Historyczny UG.


Kate Kelly is a zealous advocate and passionate activist. She has a JD from American University Washington College of Law, the only law school in the world founded by, and for, women. She graduated cum laude in 2012, and received the Class of 2012 Peter M. Cicchino Award for Outstanding Advocacy in the Public Interest. She is a vocal women’s rights champion in the U.S., and around the world.

In her legal career she has had various incredible opportunities including working as an Ella Baker Fellow at the Center for Constitutional Rights; a law clerk at the Inter-American Court of Human Rights; a research assistant to the Chair of the United Nations Committee Against Torture in Geneva, Switzerland; a post-grad fellow at the Women’s Refugee Commission; an attorney at the RFK Center for Justice & Human Rights; Legal Advisor for Legal Action Worldwide working on sexual violence legislation in Somalia, and litigating before the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights; consultant for the United Nations High Commission on Refugees report Women on the Run; and Strategic Advocacy & Policy Counsel at the Planned Parenthood Association of Utah; Legal Fellow for the Human Rights in the U.S. Project at Columbia Law School; Human Rights Attorney at Equality Now. Kate believes the simple and popular adage that women’s rights are human rights, and is committed to legal advocacy and education for women and other marginalized groups. She is a nationally-known advocate for ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment, and Host of the podcast Ordinary Equality. She has a forthcoming book (Spring 2022) called “Ordinary Equality” about the history of the women who have shaped the U.S. Constitution.

In 2013 Kate founded a group called Ordain Women to advocate for gender equality in the Mormon Church. She was convicted of apostasy by 3 male Mormon leaders & excommunicated from the church in June 2014 for speaking out against the institutional oppression of women. But, Kate’s work for women’s equality continues unabated. Thanks to her work with Ordain Women, and her outspoken advocacy, Kate has a Wikipedia page accompanied by a disambiguation term she is proud of: Kate Kelly (feminist).

Anna Mazurkiewicz is an Associate Professor and Deputy Dean for Research at the Faculty of History, University of Gdansk. She is the past President of the U.S. scholarly organization: the Polish American Historical Association.  Author of books on American diplomatic and press responses to elections in Poland since WWII, as well as on political exiles from East Central Europe in American Cold War Politics.  Winner of the Willi Paul Adams Award (by the Organization of American Historians) for best book on US history written in language other than English.  Editor of multiple volumes related to 20th century migrations.


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Data publikacji: środa, 2. Grudzień 2020 - 10:19; osoba wprowadzająca: Wacław Kulczykowski Ostatnia zmiana: środa, 2. Grudzień 2020 - 22:13; osoba wprowadzająca: Wacław Kulczykowski