Pierwszy w nowym roku akademickim wykład z cyklu "Piątek na Historycznym"

Zaczynamy nowy cykl wykładów i spotkań "Piątek na Historycznym" w roku akademickim 2024/2025.

Już 18 października br. gościem naszego wydziału będzie Prof. Ernesto Dominguez Lopez z The University of Havana / Kuba, który wygłosi wykład pt. "Cuban migration to the US: Politics, enclave and transnationalism". Wykład odbędzie się w języku angielskim a spotkanie poprowadzi dr hab. Anna Mazurkiewicz, prof. UG.


Cuban migration to the US: Politics, enclave and transnationalism

Cuba and the United States have a very complex relation that expands over the centuries and touches all possible dimensions. At its core, it is a conflictive one, given the incompatibility between the national projects of a global power and a neighboring small country seeking to achieve and protect its sovereignty. 

Migration is one of the most visible and longest-lasting components of that relation, one that has gone both ways, and which has undergone multiple changes in different stages. This talk addresses the history of the migratory connection between both countries, its different stages, drivers and conditioning factors. It centers the attention in the Cuban migration to the United States and the evolution of the Cuban American community, and explores the development of structures and tendencies that shape the interactions across the Florida Straits. It attempts to develop a complex perspective on a fundamental problem for the past and current development of Cuba, the United States, their bilateral relations and the region at large, while placing it within the broader framework of global processes that act as critical contextual referent to understand this phenomenon.

Ernesto Dominguez Lopez - Professor (full) of Contemporary History at the Center for Hemispheric and United States Studies of the University of Havana (Cuba). Doctor in Historical Sciences from the University of Havana, Cuba. Doctoral candidate in Political Sciences at the University of Rostock (Germany). Honorary Visiting Professor at the University of Buckingham (UK), Edward Laroque Tinker Visiting Professor at Stanford University (USA), Visiting Professor at the University of Debrecen (Hungary).



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Data publikacji: wtorek, 8. Październik 2024 - 10:36; osoba wprowadzająca: Monika Nagórska Ostatnia zmiana: wtorek, 8. Październik 2024 - 10:45; osoba wprowadzająca: Monika Nagórska