"Games of War. The reflections of russian 2022 invasion in Ukrainian video games." - Dr. Yaraslau Kot gościem Piątku na Historycznym

Już w kolejny piątek, 1 grudnia 2023, Dziekan Wydziału Historycznego UG dr hab. Arkadiusz Janicki, prof. UG zaprasza na wyjątkowe spotkanie z cyklu "Piątek na Historycznym". Tym razem naszym gościem będzie Dr. Yaraslau Kot, który wygłosi wykład w języku angielskim pt. "Games of War. The reflections of russian 2022 invasion in Ukrainian video games."

Tak poruszaną na wykładzie problematykę opisuje Dr. Yaraslau Kot: "After a full scale invasion has been launched by Russia in 2022 Ukrainian game industry has been very active not only with charity, social and military projects, but also creating games about what is happening. We will go through what games have been created, what historical events they reflect and games that were developed before invasion, but later been used for military purposes."

Dr. Yaraslau Kot - political refugee since 2021. Ukranian-belarus Game Designer and Narrative Designer since 1996. Worked all over the world with such companies as The Sad Cat studios, AOL, White Wolf, Wargaming, The Farm 51 studio, Graybeard games, etc. At the moment he works for Sun Storm games and ukranian project ComBat Vision. Dr. Kot has been Regional Coordinator for Eastern Europe and Asia of International Game Developers Association, Chair Person of Bel Game Developers. He is an organizer and advisor of many international game dev events, etc. Author of many articles and books about games.

Spotkanie odbędzie się 1 grudnia 2023 r. (piątek) o godz.13.15 w auli 1.48 na Wydziale Historycznym, ul. Wita Stwosza 55.

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Data publikacji: piątek, 24. Listopad 2023 - 16:11; osoba wprowadzająca: Monika Nagórska Ostatnia zmiana: czwartek, 30. Listopad 2023 - 15:21; osoba wprowadzająca: Aneta Plaskiewicz